[ urban design + master planning ]

The purpose of urban design is to create and enable quality spaces between buildings and consider the way buildings relate both to each other and the environment. Urban design considers how people interact with and experience public spaces, including linking these spaces with roads and streets, parks, groups of buildings, neighbourhoods and towns. Our urban planning team are qualified to write technical reports in support of resource consent applications, and can provide expert evidence at both planning hearings and the Environment Court.

A master plan is a dynamic long-term planning document that provides a conceptual layout to guide future growth and development. Master planning not only provides a clear framework to structure site use and development, it also ensures the end result is well-received by the community it serves. Pacific Environments has extensive experience in the development of master plans to design large sites, sustain long term projects and enrich communities. Our recent work includes master planning for schools, retirement villages, and community, sporting and commercial facilities.


Our Urban Designers have specialist post-graduate qualifications and are also architects, bringing practical experience and trained spatial thinking to the urban design process.


  • Takes a long-term view.
  • Recognises and builds on landscape, context and character.
    Results in buildings and places that are adapted to local climatic conditions.
  • Examines each project in relation to its setting and ensures that each development fits in with, and enhances, its surroundings.
  • Understands the social, cultural, and economic context, as well as physical elements and relationships.
  • Considers the impact on the social, economic, and physical wellbeing of the population who live and work there.
  • Celebrates cultural identity and recognises the heritage values of a place.
  • Ensures incremental development contributes to an agreed and coherent overall result.


Ensuring your long-term, multi-building project has a comprehensive plan in place to guide future growth and development.


Master Planning combines the analysis of data, public input, surveys, existing development and planning requirements, and the physical, social and economic condition of the site, to uncover immediate and long-term stakeholder goals and aspirations. Evaluation of these findings can inform the funding, scheduling and phasing of project works, and creates a blueprint for future development.

Master planning not only provides a clear framework to structure site use and development, it also ensures the end result is well-received by the community it serves.